Friends of the Ventura River formed initially in the 1970s under the direction of Mark Capelli, a biologist who performed extensive studies on the Ventura River.
Today, Friends is composed of residents of our community and a coalition of community groups dedicated to the restoration of the Ventura River and the vision of a Ventura River Parkway.
The community groups and organizations working toward the future implementation of the river parkway are: the Sierra Club, SOAR, Surfrider Foundation, Santa Barbara Channelkeeper, Ventura Audubon Society, Ojai Valley Green Coalition, VCCool, Wishtoyo Foundation, The Environmental Defense Center, CAUSE, Ventura Citizens for Hillside Preservation, Los Padres Forest Watch, along with organizations that helped create the intial River Parkway Concept & Plan: Ventura Land Trust, Ojai Valley Land Conservancy, Ventura County Watershed Council, California Coastal Conservancy, Trust for Public Land, and California State Parks.
Additionally, local businesses including Patagonia and Bell Arts have been invaluable in their help and support of the River Parkway concept.