This document library contains a historical record of information related to the Ventura River watershed, including newspaper articles, policy statements, minutes and other data. The issues facing the Ventura River watershed have deep historical roots. Moreover, the issues often re-present themselves in the face of development and competing interests.
The documents in this library are organized by category. Also found here, the Friends Archive contains documents dating back several decades. The Friends Archive is an ongoing effort to scan and make available online documents that have been stored away in paper format. The library’s documents are also tagged with keywords to aid search results.
Other documents now available on the Santa Barbara Channelkeeper website include the Al Leydecker archives of his 20-plus years of research on the Ventura River & Goleta streams.
Viewing all ojai-quarry documents
NOAA Letter to Ojai Rock Quarry re Rockfall Obstructing Matilija Creek
author: McInnis, Rodney R.
date: Jul 2010
filetype: pdf
filesize: 9.5 MB
publication/publisher: NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service. SW Region
tags: fine sediment,
fish passage barrier,
Matilija Creek,
Matilija Dam,
Ojai quarry,
streambank stabilization,
Ventura river,
Water Quality,
North Fork Matilija Creek Adult Steelhead Below Ojai Quarry Barriers
author: Stoecker, Matt
date: 2010
filetype: pdf
filesize: 0.40 MB
Permit Adjustment to Ojai Quarry Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Case No. CUP3489-2 & Comments
author: Ventura County Planning staff; Pitterle, Ben et al
date: Apr 2012
filetype: pdf
filesize: 25.6 MB
publication/publisher: County of Ventura, Planning Division
tags: 1995 EIR,
air quality,
critical habitat,
endangered species,
Matilija Creek,
mining activities,
mitigation measures,
Ojai quarry,
quarry operations,
reclamation plan,
Ventura river,
Water Quality,
wildlife habitat,
SBCK Letter to Ventura County Planning re Ojai Quarry
author: Pitterle, Ben
date: Apr 2012
filetype: pdf
filesize: 1.3 MB
publication/publisher: Santa Barbara ChannelKeeper
tags: endangered species,
Matilija Creek,
Matilija Dam,
Ojai quarry,
Ventura river,
Water Quality,