Alpine County – Markleeville Creek Acquisition – $136,000
Acquire six acres to restore riparian habitat, re-establish historic floodplain and provide passive recreation in Markleeville.
Sarah Green, (530) 694-2327, watershed@alpinecountyca.gov
Amargosa Conservancy – Amargosa Wild and Scenic River Trail – $299,000
Restore over four miles of the historic Old Spanish Trail through the Amargosa River Canyon and create several connections to existing BLM trails; restore approximately 25 acres of habitat.
Katherine Boxer, executive director, (760) 852-4339, Katherineboxer@msn.com
American River Conservancy – Cosumnes River Parkway – $1,800,000
Acquire 2,566 acres of riparian habitat and blue oak woodland to protect native fisheries and wildlife corridors adjacent to the main fork of the Cosumnes River in El Dorado County.
Alan Ehrgott, executive director, (530) 295-2190, ehrgott@arconservancy.org
Atascadero Land Preservation Society – Three Bridges Oak Preserve Trails and Signage – $302,500
Construct three miles of trail adjacent to Highway 41 in San Luis Obispo County for hiking and seasonal equestrian use that will connect to existing trails in the city of Atascadero and future trails in the Los Padres National Forest.
Bruce Bonifas, president, (805) 466-0526, bruce.bonifas@gmail.com
Bear Yuba Land Trust – Rice’s Crossing: Yuba River Acquisition – $1,900,000
Acquire the 2,706-acre Rice’s Crossing property immediately below New Bullards Bar Dam adjacent to Yuba River State Park to provide trails for public use and improve river health for salmon fisheries.
Marty Coleman-Hunt, executive director, (530) 272-5994, Marty@BearYubaLandTrust.org
Big Sur Land Trust – San Jose Creek Trail – $552,701
Construct nearly two miles of trail with creek crossings and interpretive signs along San Jose Creek to complete the southern coastal segment of the Carmel River Parkway; construct parking lot and develop picnic area.
Lana Weeks, director of community stewardship, (831) 886-7810 Ext 102, lweeks@bigsurlandtrust.org
Burbank (City) – Johnny Carson Park Creek Restoration and Revitalization – $1,780,000
Restore an existing 885-foot stormwater channel to a natural creek and create multi-story habitat (eight acres) with a one-half mile ADA accessible creek side loop trail.
Judie Wilke, park, recreation & community services director, (818) 238-5300, jwilke@ci.burbank.ca.us
California Trout – Hat Creek River Parkway – $658,629
Restore approximately six acres of habitat and construct a 1.5-mile accessible trail with amenities along Hat Creek in Shasta County to improve public access for recreational uses including hiking and fishing.
Andrew Braugh, (530) 926-3768, dbraugh@caltrout.org
Community Conservation Solutions – L.A. River Greenway Walking Trail – $751,863
Convert flood control district right-of-way into a one-half mile recreational trail along the Los Angeles River. Install vegetated bioswales and native vegetation to treat stormwater runoff; install interpretive signage.
Esther Feldman, president, (310) 398-8584, efeldman@conservationsolutions.org
Conservation Fund (The) – Mount Baldy Ranch Land Acquisition – $868,000
Acquire 237 acres along San Antonio Creek in the San Gabriel Mountains to protect wildlife corridors and riparian habitat and provide trail connections to adjacent public lands.
Scott Ferguson, director of Southern California programs, (949) 494-8034, sferguson@conservationfund.org
Glendale Community Services & Parks Department (City) – Glendale Narrows Riverwalk Project – Phase 2 – $975,000
Extend the Glendale Narrows Riverwalk recreational trail along the Los Angeles River east and south to the Verdugo Wash. The project includes a river overlook, a confluence park and interpretive elements.
Tom Lorenz, public information officer, (818) 937-8817, TLorenz@ci.glendale.ca.us
Humboldt Fish Action Council – Powers Creek Parkway Connection Project – $199,903 Provide public access over Powers Creek to connect to main trail system; upgrade trails for multi-modal access; install interpretive kiosks and restore 1,500 linear feet of creek habitat to support endangered and threatened salmonid and aquatic populations.
Sarah Caldwell, project manager, (707) 822-5785, sarah@streamlineplanning.net
Kern River Corridor Endowment – Panorama Vista Preserve Restoration Project – $1,044,275
Restore approximately 129 acres of riparian habitat and historical floodplain along the Kern River and install interpretive elements to highlight the resource and its conservation to enhance the public experience when visiting this preserve.
Carolyn Belli, (661) 872-3569, jgbelli@bak.rr.com
Lakewood (City) – West San Gabriel River Parkway Phase 3 Development – $1,446,203
Restore 7.5 acres of riparian greenbelt trail; construct one-half mile of decomposed granite ADA trail, with trail heads; install California native plantings and interpretive signage.
John Buck, community services manager, (562) 866-9771 ext. 2405, jbuck@lakewoodcity.org
Oakdale (City) – Stanislaus River Valley View River Access Trail – $862,625
Convert 15.2 acres into a river parkway including a 750-foot, multiple switchback public access trail to the Stanislaus River in the city of Oakdale.
Pat Paul, mayor, (209) 845-3571, ppaul@ci.oakdale.ca.us.
Ontario (City) – Cucamonga Creek Trails & Riparian Restoration – $1,500,000
Restore 23 acres of riparian and upland habitat and add 3.5 miles of hiking/biking and equestrian trails with wildlife viewing areas along Cucamonga/Mill Creek.
Scott Murphy, assistant planning director, (909) 395-2419, smurphy@ci.ontario.ca.us
Rancho Simi Recreation & Park District – Arroyo Simi Greenway Project Phase 2 – $886,642
Construct nearly two miles of trail through the urban core as part of the 12-mile river parkway in Ventura County, and develop three new access points for pedestrians, bicycle commuters and recreational users.
Robin Walker, (805) 584-445, robin@rsrpd.us
Redlands (City) – Orange Blossom Trail – $899,911
Extend the Orange Blossom Trail nearly one mile along Zanja Creek, providing interpretive signage and safe crossings over city streets before the trail connects to the Santa Ana River Trail.
Carl Baker, public information officer, (909) 798-7633, cbaker@cityofredlands.org
Redwood Forest Foundation, Inc. – Ryan Creek Community Forest Project – $1,000,000
Acquire approximately 1,200 acres of timberland adjacent to Ryan Creek, establishing a Community Forest for the city of Eureka, which will practice sustainable timber management.
John Bernstein, (415) 800-5281, John.Bernstein@tpl.org
Sacramento (City) – American River Parkway Enhancement at Sutter’s Landing Park – $1,479,502
Create a three-quarter mile multi-use trail with entry improvements to enhance public use; restore over three acres on the banks of the American River with native understory vegetation and provide interpretive signage.
Linda Tucker, public information officer, (916) 808-7523, LTucker@cityofsacramento.org
San Diego County – Tijuana River Valley Interpretive Trail Loop – $611,250
Create two trail sections, including trail heads and interpretive features and connectivity to existing trails within the Tijuana River Valley Regional Park.
Brian Albright, director, Department of Parks and Recreation, (858) 966-1301, Brian.albright@sdcounty.ca.gov
San Marcos (City) – San Marcos Creekside Promenade – $1,000,000
Construct nearly one mile multi-use trail combined with open space areas that meander along San Marcos Creek and restore over three acres of riparian habitat through re-vegetation of native flora and stormwater management practices.
Mike Edwards, city engineer, (760) 744-1050 ext. 3235, medwards@ci.san-marcos.ca.us
Sequoia Riverlands Trust – Kaweah Oaks Preserve Acquisition $410,181
Acquire approximately 22 acres of riparian habitat adding approximately one-half mile of creek frontage along Deep Creek to the Kaweah Oaks Preserve in Tulare County.
Kelly Ryan, communications director, (559) 738-0211 ext. 105, kelly@sequoiariverlands.org
Sierra Fund (The) – Deer Creek Tribute Trail & Restoration Project (Acquisition) $739,111
Acquire approximately 32 acres of riparian habitat in Nevada County for the purpose of habitat restoration/enhancement and public access.
Elizabeth Martin, chief executive officer, (530) 265-8454 ext. 11, izzy.martin@sierrafund.org
Sierra Fund (The) – Deer Creek Tribute Trail & Restoration Project – $563,025
Construct approximately 2,000 linear feet of trail and bridge over Deer Creek, connecting existing segments of the Deer Creek Tribute Trail which is accessible from downtown Nevada City. Project includes riparian habitat restoration/management and interpretive signage.
Elizabeth Martin, chief executive officer, (530) 265-8454 ext 11, izzy.martin@sierrafund.org
Solano County Water Agency – Winters Putah Creek Channel Realignment Phase III – $1,162,640
Restore former sewage aeration ponds to create a river parkway; realign 1,100 feet of channel to natural meander form, restore functional channel width and capacity for salmon spawning habitat, grade five acres to functional floodplain elevation, connect upstream and downstream creek edge trails on both north and south banks; restore and enhance diversity of native vegetation.
Rich Marovich, stream keeper, (530) 902-1794, rmarovich@scwa2.com
Sonoma County Regional Parks – Mark West Creek Regional Park and Open Space Preserve – $1,000,000
Acquire 297 acres in the Mark West Creek watershed creating a 1,100-acre regional park and open space preserve providing hikers, cyclists and equestrians access to 20 miles of developed trails crossing grasslands, woodlands and creeks.
Caryl Hart, director, Sonoma County Regional Parks (707) 565-2041 Caryl.hart@sonoma-county.org
Tahoe City Public Utility District – Truckee River Restoration and Access Project – $344,263
Create three formal access points to the Truckee River and the Truckee River Bike Trail along Highway 89, north of Tahoe City; restore degraded riparian habitat on riverbanks and wet meadows, create staging areas and install directional and interpretive signage.
Kelli Twomey, director of resource development and community relations, (530) 583-3796 ext. 21, ktwomey@tcpud.org
Town of Truckee – Truckee River Legacy Trail Phase 3B – $2,900,000
Construct approximately 1.5 miles of Class 1 bicycle/pedestrian trail, continuing the Truckee River Legacy Trail from the town of Truckee east just across Martis Creek where a trailhead will be constructed. The project will also install signage interpreting the natural and cultural resources of the Truckee River.
Tony Lashbrook, town manager, (530) 582-2901, tlashbrook@townoftruckee.com.
Trust for Public Land – North Fork American River – Big Bend Acquisition – $1,368,000
Acquire 460 acres known as the Big Bend Property which is bisected by the North Fork American River to protect habitat and wildlife corridors and improve public access to the river.
Carl Somers, associate director Northern California, (415) 800-5287, carl.somers@tpl.org
Waterford (City) – Tuolumne River Parkway Project – $1,478,340
Construct a two-mile multi-use riverfront trail with visitor amenities along the north side of the Tuolumne River in Stanislaus County. The project will also protect and restore the riparian corridor, and stabilize the riverbank.
Tim Ogden, city manager, (209) 874- 2328 ext .103, togden@cityofwaterford.org Watershed
Conservation Authority – Duck Farm Riparian Habitat and Interpretive Elements – $1,400,000
Develop 31 acres located on the eastern bank of the San Gabriel River into an urban greenway. Project includes wetlands, overlook, and a 1.5-mile meadow-lined trail with interpretive stations.
Mark Stanley, executive officer, (626) 815-1019 ext. 100, mstanley@rmc.ca.gov
Yuba City – Feather River Parkway – Willow Island Project Phase II – $1,743,000
Convert 84 acres into a park along the Feather River, preserve 10 acres of woodland oak and extend approximately two miles of trails; restore and enhance more than two acres of wetlands.
Brad McIntire, parks and recreation director, (530) 822-4652, bmcintir@yubacity.net