Friends Meeting Agenda for Nov. 17, 2011


THURSDAY Nov. 17, 2011 at PATAGONIA FIREHOUSE BUILDING from 4:30-6:30p

Directions: The meeting will take place on the 2nd floor of Patagonia’s Firehouse building, in the Grand Room.

The Firehouse is the tall building closest to Main St, address: 280 W. Main St. Enter Patagonia’s campus from Main St. and park anywhere in our lots (the lot at the corner of Main and Olive is most likely to have space available — all parking lots will remain unlocked until after this meeting is over). Enter the Firehouse on the south side of the building (furthest from Main St.)- we will have someone at the door directing you upstairs.

For Late Arrivals:There will be someone at the door until 4:45pm, if you arrive after that call one of these cell numbers to be let in.(If you think you will may be late, bring phone &  numbers —we can also post this sheet on the door.)

Kathy Bremer: 805 901-6415; Carol Lindberg: 805 850-5430; Claudia Armann: 805 340-0223


Sign in sheet / Brief introductions (Welcome Kevin Clerici of Downtown Ventura Organization)

Old Business:

1. Friends sent formal letter to the City Council requesting their help to open the Ventura River levee (between Main and Stanley) as a public trail.  (Have put together petition to support letter.)

New Business:

1. Patrick Johnston of NPS Rivers and Trails Conservation Assistance program will discuss grant for technical assistance with a trail connectivity for Ventura River Parkway.

2. Plan for when and where Feb 2011 Ventura River Parkway roll-out event which will include:

  • Studio 606 (Cal Poly Grad Dept that produced River Parkway Plan) presentation on parkway plan;
  • Talk about NPS RTCA grant and outreach for community input;
  • Tri-fold brochure release; and
  • Work toward (or announcement of) opening levee for public access.

3. Website now up. Short presentation to get Friends coalition groups comfortable to blog for their individual organization on Friends website (first posting could be as simple as a posting saying why group/individual is involved with Friends and reason to support Vta River Parkway). Designated bloggers could also send out an email announcement about the Friends blog/website to their group’s membership. This is one way we can help start the community buzz about the river parkway project.

4. Be Aware of Available Funding to aid Ventura River Parkway implementation:

  • President’s “Americas Great Outdoors Project” (US Secretary of Interior announced 2 rivers in California (San Joaquin and LA/San Gabriel) were funded in this year’s cycle.
  • IRWMP (Integrated Regional Water Management Plan) — Prop. 84: Fall 2012 next round of Implementation Grants (watershed planning, water quality improvement, habitat restoration, groundwater recharge, climate change/flood protection… implementation projects)    [State Guidelines for Climate Change coming out in Nov.]
  • Nearly 2 decades ago Congress required States to use a portion of their federal highway aid for “transportation enhancement” with 12 categories of projects from bike and walking paths to scenic overlooks and landscaping. Possible funding for Hwy 33 pedestrian overpass? Or levee path?

5. Other business or announcements:

Ojai Valley Land Conservancy has proposal for IRWMP Prop 84 Planning Grant to identify high priorities areas to protect habitat and offer recreational, flood management and water quality benefits. Surfrider has proposal to model and Urban Water Retrofit that could be used here and in other areas. (Nov. 22 VRWC Mtg.)

(Just FYI and relevant to climate change: Norma Camacho of County Watershed Protection District explained to Ventura River Watershed Council that an “ARC” storm is like an “atmospheric river” that develops in the South Pacific and then hits the West Coast.  In the late 1800’s  this kind of storm caused 60 days of rain– also our 1969 storm would qualify as an ARC storm.  A planned 2012 simulated drill will estimate damage if 2 of these ARC storms hit together. This coming drill might impress elected officials of the dire need to plan for climate change. USGS has interesting information on ARC storms.)

6. Next potential meeting date

Adjournment no later than 6:45   Thank you everyone for keeping up the good fight!

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