Friends Meeting Agenda: January 29, 2013

Sign in sheet / Brief round table introductions (Welcome Darcel Elliot new Field Rep Das Williams’ Office)

Old Business:

1. Paul Jenkin Will Start Off a Recap of All that FOVR and Coalition Members Accomplished in 2012

2. Lee Sherman/ Derek Poultney of Ventura Hillside Conservancy Update VHC 2012/2013

3. Greg Gamble Ojai Valley Land Conservancy Update OVLC 2012/2013 Progress

4. Update on City of Ventura River Clean-Up Efforts in 2012/2013

5. Steve Offerman (Supervisor Bennett’s Office) San Antonio Bridge Bike Path Crossing Completion and County’s Arundo Removal & Homeless Aid Efforts

New Business:

1. Patrick Johnson showNPS-RTCA work group progress on new fold-out Parkway Promotional Map (Patrick Johnston, Cynthia Hartley and members of the FOVR NPS-RTCA work group have done some great work.)

  • Explain concept
  • Show map
  • Get Group Input

2. Discuss if 4th Tuesday of Month is still viable meeting day for FOVR Meeting

Other business or announcements

Next meeting date

Adjournment no later than 6:45p.  Thank you everyone for staying involved!


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