A meeting of the Friends of the Ventura River will be held on:
TUESDAY April 24, 2012 at PATAGONIA FIREHOUSE BUILDING from 4:30-6:30pm.
Directions: The meeting will take place on the 2nd floor of Patagonia’s Firehouse building, in the Grand Room.
The Firehouse is the tall building closest to Main St, address: 280 W. Main St. Enter Patagonia’s campus from Main St. and park anywhere in our lots (the lot at the corner of Main and Olive is most likely to have space available — all parking lots will remain unlocked until after this meeting is over). Enter the Firehouse on the south side of the building (furthest from Main St.)- we will have someone at the door directing you upstairs.
For Late Arrivals:There will be someone at the door until 4:45pm, if you arrive after that call one of these cell numbers to be let in.(If you think you will may be late, bring phone & numbers —we can also post this sheet on the door.)
Kathy Bremer: 805 901-6415; Carol Lindberg: 805 850-5430; Claudia Armann: 805 340-0223
Sign in sheet / Brief round table introductions
Old Business:
- Jan 20th meeting with City & County WPD reps regarding public access on levee and encroachment permit process. Work continues on this process-short update.
- Work continues with Patrick Johnston and the NPS RTCA grant –work group is making good progress laying out scope, goals and work list for project.
- Work continuing on Website– nice improvements have been incorporated.
New Business:
- Presentation by Lee Sherman about VHC Willoughby property acquisition.
- *Rescheduled due to conflict* Bruce Smith (retired County Planner): FOVR should be aware of the County update of a grading ordinance that could lessen permit requirements fo non-devloping grading (like oil field or ag grading…) that could lead to an increase in sedimentation in local creeks and rivers.
- Discuss and get volunteers for River Parkway roll out event:
- Other business or announcements
- Next meeting date
- Large Formal Presentation Wed. May 30th
- Table/Booth for Parkway at VUSD Summerfest Event on Avenue June 2
- Community Event Picnic/BBQ in River on County Property June 9
6. Walking tour of Willoughby property (behind Patagonia between Main St. and the 101 Bridge).
Adjournment no later than 6:45 Thank you everyone for staying involved!