January 14, 2014 Friends Meeting Agenda



Tuesday January 14, 2014


from 4:30-6:30



  1. Brian Segee of Evironmental Defense Center (EDC) to discuss EDC and watershed protection.
  2. Discussion on the current drought conditions in the Ventura River Watershed
  3. Discussion of FOVR near to mid-term goals as included in the Watershed Management Plan and next steps: Ventura River Parkway – Parkway Sign Design. Develop a framework for interpretive and way finding signage along the Parkway that reflects both local jurisdiction and the regional nature of the Parkway. Ventura River Parkway – Acquisition and Restoration.  Identify further opportunities for acquisition of Parkway lands. Continue to prioritize restoration efforts along the Parkway. Ventura River Parkway – Community Education. Refine and expand community outreach and education. Emphasize K-12 education and Spanish language programs. Identify appropriate education and outreach partnerships for the Parkway.
  4. Organize work group to work on Parkway signage, design, content, placement and permitting.
  5. Discuss Ocean Friendly Gardens (OFG) concepts & Westside OFG Tour for Feb. 1, 2014.
  6. Ventura River Trail Guide– has been updated to include map of downtown Ojai in next print run.
  7. Spanish language translation Ventura River Trail Guide –The Westside Heal Zone has granted $1000 toward printing of the Spanish language map with FOVR funds making up the print run difference.
  8. Update on Ventura Watershed Council re: public outreach to Spanish-speaking community. (One of Ventura Watershed Council’s grant deliverables is to hold an outreach meeting on our watershed management plan process with our Spanish-speaking residents.)
  9. Update on following grant applications:
  • National Recreational Trails application
  • SCC climate change grant application.
  • Least Bell’s Vireo restoration in Ventura River habitat for 2014.

Updates from other FoVR groups.

If any individual or group would like to make comments on the scope of the SB4 required EIR on hydraulic fracturing, acidization or other well stimulation methods they must be submitted by Jan 16, 2014 to the DOGGR commission at:  SB4EIR@conservation.ca.gov

Other business or announcements

Adjournment no later than 6:30 Thank you everyone for staying involved!

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