This document library contains a historical record of information related to the Ventura River watershed, including newspaper articles, policy statements, minutes and other data. The issues facing the Ventura River watershed have deep historical roots. Moreover, the issues often re-present themselves in the face of development and competing interests.
The documents in this library are organized by category. Also found here, the Friends Archive contains documents dating back several decades. The Friends Archive is an ongoing effort to scan and make available online documents that have been stored away in paper format. The library’s documents are also tagged with keywords to aid search results.
Other documents now available on the Santa Barbara Channelkeeper website include the Al Leydecker archives of his 20-plus years of research on the Ventura River & Goleta streams.
Viewing all matilija documents
An Artsy Solution for Dam's Enigma
author: Barlow, Zeke
date: Sep 14, 2011
filetype: pdf
filesize: 0.24 MB
publication/publisher: Ventura County Star
Fish Restoration to Cost $2.1 Billion
author: Barlow, Zeke
date: Jan 13, 2012
filetype: pdf
filesize: 0.98 MB
publication/publisher: Ventura County Star
Matilija: Support for Dam Removal is Growing
author: Saillant, Catherine
date: May 4, 1999
filetype: pdf
filesize: 0.58 MB
publication/publisher: Los Angeles Times
Potential Steelhead Over-summering Habitat in South-central Southern California Coast Recovery Domain
author: Boughton, David A. & Goslin, Matthew
date: 2006
filetype: PDF
filesize: 11.7 MB
publication/publisher: NOAA NMFS- SW Fisheries Science Center Technical Memo-391
The Ventura River Story
author: Bennett, Leland
date: 1966
filetype: pdf
filesize: 2.8 MB
publication/publisher: Casitas Municipal Water District; ASCE
Ventura River Recreational Area and Fishery, Preliminary Report and Proposal
author: Donlon, James
date: 1973
filetype: PDF
filesize: 3.8 MB
publication/publisher: Ventura County Fish and Game Commission
Ventura River Watershed - Focused for Steelhead Restoration. U.S. Forest Service, Los Padres National Forest
author: Chubb, Sara
date: 1999
filetype: PDF
filesize: 5.6 MB
Ventura River Watershed Technical Investigation (VRWTI) Steelhead Recovery Report Figures: Charts & Maps
author: Entrix
date: 2003
filetype: pdf
filesize: 4.6 MB
publication/publisher: California Department of Fish & Game
Where Does the Nitrate Come From Report & Summary
author: Leydecker, Al
date: 2010
filetype: PDF
filesize: .82 MB
tags: algae,
Foster Park,
Foster Park Bridge,
Lion Canyon,
main street bridge,
nitrate concentrations,
nitrate flux,
San Antonio Creek,
Santa Ana bridge,
Shell Road,
total nitrogen,
Ventura river,